Brand design at Kind Heart: What we do differently

Brand design at Kind Heart: What we do differently

Brand design at Kind Heart: What we do differently

Sep 7, 2024

3 min read

When it comes to building a brand, many businesses think they have two choices: go all-in with a traditional branding agency that can cost tens of thousands of dollars, or piece together something on their own, hoping it will be “good enough.” At Kind Heart Design, we believe there’s a better way.

Traditional brand design firms often charge a premium for their services—and while the results may be polished, they come with an extremely long wait time and a hefty price tag. That’s where we come in. We’ve crafted a process that delivers high-quality, strategic branding & landing page design services faster and at a fraction of the cost. But speed and affordability don’t mean cutting corners. Here’s how our approach is different:

Speed Without Compromising Quality

In the traditional model of working with brand design agencies, there’s a lot of waiting. Waiting for meetings, for approvals, and for layers of feedback to trickle down, only to receive a well crafted presentation about the brand DNA without anything to show for it. Or worse, all your feedback goes through a project manager without a design background. This not only slows down the process but can also inflate costs unnecessarily.

At Kind Heart, we’ve reimagined the brand design process to cut through that red tape. We’ve streamlined our workflow, allowing us to produce top-tier designs in a fraction of the time. Our team collaborates closely directly with you with extreme bias towards action. The result? You see updates every step of the way, from first iterations within the first few days through the finalized brand assets within the same month.

Here's an example of what that process looked like for our client Ravenna. We quickly iterated through different visual concepts based on some ideas they liked, and got to the final brand within 5 days.

Landing pages bring your brand to life

Most brand studios hand over a brand book after a lengthy process, wish you "Good luck!" and leave you to figure out the next steps on your own. From there, you’re left hunting for a web design freelancer or agency to implement the brand, often resulting in fragmented creative directions that lead to inconsistencies in your visual identity.

At Kind Heart Design, we take a different approach. We don't just hand over a brand and walk away—we help you bring it to life. Our team translates the brand seamlessly into a fresh, fully-realized landing page that embodies your vision. We collaborate with you on every aspect of the page, from layout to visuals, ensuring your input shapes the final result. And we aren’t afraid to provide honest feedback when an idea needs refining, working with you to turn it into something you're truly proud of.

For example, here are some iterations of the landing page we designed and custom built within 2 weeks for Ravenna, capturing and enhancing the brand’s essence.

Affordability and Accessibility

World class branding should be accessible to all companies, not just those with big budgets. The traditional model leaves smaller, earlier startups with few options, often forcing them to compromise on quality to meet their budget constraints.

We’ve designed our services to be affordable without sacrificing the quality or strategy that great brands require. By offering flexible, tailored solutions, we make world-class branding accessible to businesses at any stage of their journey. With our monthly membership plans, you can get a fresh new brand and landing page within 2 months, for three times and 3 times faster what a traditional agency would charge you.

Closing Thoughts

At Kind Heart, we believe that great branding shouldn’t be out of reach for any startup founder—our approach delivers the quality of a top-tier agency, without the long waits and sky-high prices.

Branding is more than just a logo or a color scheme—it’s the heart of your business. And at Kind Heart, we’re here to help you bring that heart to life in a way that’s fast, collaborative, and scalable for your future ahead.

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